Deborah Hall is a certified clinical hypnotherapist, a licensed HeartMath resilience program mentor and trainer, and has a bachelor’s degree in early child education with more than a decade of experience in helping people to overcome anxiety, existential depression, emotional management and life conflict solving as well as vocational and avocational problems. She also works as a complementary therapist under the referral of physicians and psychotherapists to help people deal with various types of physical and psychological problems using hypnosis and the resilience building program.
Deborah is an active member in good standing of AHA (American Hypnosis association) and the Hypnotherapists Union Local – 472, with several certifications on the field of hypnosis and HeartMath programs. She is also a lifelong learner, always reaching for more knowledge to best serve her clients.

She is a strong believer in the power of the subconscious mind and the wisdom of the heart, and she makes it her mission in guiding people to tap their inner power and wisdom. Believing that every one of us has the answer to all our questions and the solutions to all our problems within; she is glad to be a guide on this wonderful journey. Deborah works very well with children and teenagers, proud to have helped so many young people with their conflicts.
She has been presenting workshops about the power of the subconscious mind and giving training to companies and corporations about the resilience advantage HeartMath program. Being trilingual she can reach English, Spanish and Portuguese audiences.
She is a very friendly person that loves long morning walks, play piano, singing, read and spend time with family and friends, and she also adores her two pets.
Her personal and professional philosophy is: “Do no harm and help as much as you can”. She is very mindful and compassionate, always have her client’s best interest on her intentions and actions.
With the conviction that our lives should be productive and oriented to make this world a better place, Deborah is always doing her best to help her clients and all the people who she gets in touch with to recognize their own value and how to take control of their own emotions and feelings instead to try to control circumstances that are out of our ability to control.
Hypnosis and HeartMath resilience program are the tools Deborah chose to follow in order to leave her mark in this planet and in the lives of all people she has the pleasure to work with.
And because her motivation in life is to offer her guidance and support to all those who want to initiate this journey of empowerment, she is eager to lead you too into the better version of yourself, get in touch and lets the adventure commence!